As you launch more projects with your team members, you’ll be able to see any and all completed, in progress, and draft projects within your workspace! You can use our fabulous universal search feature to narrow down projects and find information quickly. However, if you’d like to organize your research by project, theme, or person working on it, you can utilize folders to make things easy to find.

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Creating folder groups

To create a new folder group, click the icon in the top right of the page and click “Manage Folders”

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You can see a breakdown of all the current folder groups you have created within your workspace and the folders within them. To add a new folder group, click the “Create Folder Group” button on the right.

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Then, enter a name and an optional description of the folder group. This will house the subsequent folders to break down your research into.

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Creating folders

Once you have created a folder group, click the folder group to see a drop-down of the current folders currently within that group. To add a new folder, click “Create Folder.”

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Give your folder a name, an optional description, and make sure it is being put in the correct folder group by selecting from the drop-down. Once you are set, click “Save” to create the folder.