Tree = A tree is the overall structure of navigation you are asking the participants to navigate through.
Tasks = A task is a flow that you want the participant to go through to test the effectiveness of your defined categories. An example of a task is "You would like to look for a pair of winter boots for your 9-year-old daughter. What category would you choose to find the boots under?" In a tree test, you define the correct answer for the participant to find, so there is a right and wrong answer.
Follow-up questions = Once a participant has made a decision on the task, a follow-up question is an optional question to help gather feeling responses from the participant.
Child = A child is a subcategory within a larger category (for example: "Women's boots" is the child to "Boots")
Parent = A parent is the larger category that houses the child subcategories (for example: "Dairy" is the parent to "Yogurt")
Sibling = A sibling is a category or subcategory that is at the same level as another category or subcategory (for example: "Boots" is a sibling category of "Sandals").
Total success = Total success is the overall success rate of each task across all participants. The higher the number the better the score.
Directness = Directness is when participants select an answer without backtracking. The answer can be correct or incorrect. Directness is important because it shows that participants are confident in the answer they chose. If they’re confident in a correct answer, that’s great! However, if they’re confident in arriving at an incorrect answer, consider revising the location of that item.
Task success = Task success is when a participant successfully chooses the correct answer on a task.
Task failure = Task failure is when a participant chooses the wrong answer on a task.
First click = A first click is the very first node that a participant clicks to move forward. This helps you understand the participant’s thought process.
Learn more about setting up and analyzing tree testing with PlaybookUX here.