Using screener questions

Qualifying questions should be used when our demographic and employment filters do not capture your target population.

There are two types of questions: Single Select & Multiple Select. Single Select questions only allow participants to select one choice. You can automatically qualify and disqualify people, depending on their answers.

Multiple Select questions allow participants to select more than one choice. When it comes to multiple select questions, the "May Select" option exists. That comes in handy when you don't want to disqualify participants if they select a filler answer.

Head here for an example of how to utilize the "may select" option to avoid biased questions.When to use Qualifying Questions.

If you're looking for Senior Product Managers who use JIRA, first you should utilize the demographic and employment filters.

First, set Job Role to "Product Manager". Second, set Seniority to "Senior".

Lastly, you can enter a multiple choice qualifying question to understand what tools the participants uses in their job on a weekly basis.

Creating & Importing a saved audience

There are two ways to create a saved audience template.